Biting the Bullet: ending Death by PowerPoint, part 4: animation

I have long known students aren’t always listening to us or looking at our slides, despite the feeling that if they are paying for something, they’d want to know what it was they were paying for. This logic doesn’t follow: there are dozens of digital distractions in a lecture theatre. A quiet walk around one,Read more

Academics' teaching innovation takes awards

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Supporting dissertation students and improving the ways we use technology to develop learning are at the heart of this year’s 2014 Teaching Innovation Awards winning bids. The Teaching Centre has invested a total of £18,443.26 in the winning projects to proactively enhance student learning not only in the six departments who won, but across the University.Read more

Biting the Bullet: ending Death by PowerPoint, part 3: text

Text I’ve made images the heart of my slides and the L&T experience. Now I turn to the use of text. I have two things going on. One is text applied over images, the other is a different use of text on its own. For both I apply animation. I’ll deal with the technical aspectRead more

Students using weblectures: do they perform better?

One of the outcomes from recent discussions at University Learning and Teaching Committee about institutional lecture capture policy is that the Teaching Centre have now set up a lecture capture research project, led by Janette Matthews from the Maths Education Centre. This will involve running focus groups and surveys with both staff and students, with aRead more

Student Social Media Showcase (Brighton) call for contributions

The forthcoming European Conference on Social Media, which is taking place at the University of Brighton on July 9th, 2014, is seeking applications from students to showcase their research into social media. The conference website is located at, while the showcase website is at Further information is also available from Sandra Huskinson (Online Development Officer, School of Business and Economics) ifRead more

Biting the Bullet: ending Death by PowerPoint, part 1

This blog is concerned with using PowerPoint (PPT) better in lecturing. By better, I mean in accordance with the latest scholarly research in the use of Multi Media Learning (MML); in conjunction with emerging practice in the world of business; and in rejection of the terminally embarrassing ‘Death by PowerPoint’. The blog can be readRead more

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