We are delighted to announce the themes for our annual Learning and Teaching Conference, which is being held in West Park Teaching Hub on 27th June 2018. The themes are: Digital Literacy Engaging students in the learning process Student Wellbeing How do students learn? The call for abstracts of approximately 300 words is now openRead more
This year’s first CAP Forum focused on the topic of embedding your research in your teaching. As a result, we invited one of this year’s Research-informed Teaching Award winners to present on how and why she embeds her research into her teaching, and what her research is about. In 2002, Dr Cheryl Travers set upRead more
It is a common occurrence to hear staff express concerns about how feedback is used, but it’s often unclear what the expectations around feedback are for both students and staff. Simon Martin, Department of Materials (AACME), recently a conducted a survey that was aimed at establishing just how much student and staff attitudes to feedbackRead more
This is the first call for submissions for Loughborough University applicants seeking funding under the 2017 Teaching Innovation Awards. These high profile awards support individuals or teams of staff or students and staff to develop and share innovative teaching ideas both internally and externally. These awards are a key part of Loughborough University’s commitment toRead more
Five members of academic staff from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) have been working over the last year on individual E-learning projects. These E-learning champions chose a particular area linked to one of their taught modules, for which they wanted to develop the appropriate technology to engage further with their students. The projectsRead more
The first CAP Forum, focusing on assessment, will now be held on Friday March 6th (time to be advised shortly) and will cover the February Focus On… topic of feedback as well.Read more
Date: Friday 6th February Venue: BRI.2.08 – Bridgeman Building Time: 14.00 – 16.00 Come and discuss assessment! During January the Centre for Academic Practice (CAP) has been running a series of workshops and other activities focused on assessment. The CAP Forum, which will be the first in a regular series, will be an opportunityRead more
Our 2nd lecture capture conference last month, attended by over 70 delegates, received very positive feedback and generated some fantastic debates about the value of lecture capture. There was general agreement that it would be useful to run another event with a similar focus (on pedagogic research around lecture capture) later this year, and we’ll certainlyRead more
Bookings are now closed for the #LCEvidenceBase mini-conference here on Wednesday. Over 70 people have registered so I’m looking forward to some great debates. View the programme here.Read more
On Wednesday December 17th the Centre for Academic Practice is holding its second lecture capture mini-conference, open to both Loughborough staff and external delegates. Over 60 people have already booked. Entitled Lecture Capture: Building the Evidence Base, the workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in conversation around the evidence base for the valueRead more